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Organizations Endorsing Tony

Organizations (Alphabetical) endorsing Tony:

  • American Board of Professional Neuropsychology (ABN)
  • American Board of Professional Psychology – Clinical Neuropsychology (AACN)
  • [su_expand height=”20″]The AACN Board has taken an unprecedented step in endorsing a candidate for APA President.  In doing so, the Board acknowledges that this is a unique moment in time, where the biggest institution of our profession, the American Psychological Association, is in crisis.  APA’s highly publicized ethical breach involving torture led to an internal crisis of confidence, as well as a serious crisis of confidence of the public in our profession.
    As the public and institutions that regulate our field often do not make distinctions about psychologists vs. neuropsychologists.  Academy members are harmed by the public’s crisis in confidence of psychology. This is particularly true in conducting effective advocacy but also relevant in patient care, the forensic arena, and in recruiting and retaining the next generation of neuropsychologists.  The AACN Board thus believes that there is a compelling interest in making sure APA is led through this crisis with a strong, competent leader with a clear understanding of the interests of neuropsychology.
    As such, the American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology endorses Tony Puente for APA President. 
    On behalf of the Academy, I encourage all APA members to vote, and to strongly consider casting your vote for Tony Puente.
    Thank you.
    Mark Mahone, AACN President

  • American Academy of Pediatric Neuropsychology
  • Association Psicologica Iberoamericana de Clinica y Salud (APICSA)
  • Association of Practicing Psychologists (#2) (APP)
  • Board of Certified Psychometrists (BCP)
  • Cape Fear Psychological Association (CFPA)
  • Colorado Neuropsychological Society
  • Consejo General de la Psicología de España
  • Cuban Society of Psychology
  • Deans of the School of Psychology of Spain
  • Division 17- Society of Counseling Psychology
  • Division 19- Society for Military Psychology
  • Division 27- Society for Community Research and Action: Division of Community Psychology
  • Division 28- Psychopharmacology and Substance Abuse
  • Division 31- State Provincial and Territorial Psychological Association Affairs
  • Division 40- Society for Clinical Neuropsychologists
  • [su_expand height=”20″]Division 40
    On 9/15/15, you will receive your APA 2015 President- Elect ballot. SCN strongly endorses our own Dr. Antonio Puente to be the next President-Elect of APA. Dr. Puente is a Past President of our division and has worked tirelessly throughout his career to advocate for the field of psychology as well as the specialty of neuropsychology.

    Many of us have worked closely with Dr. Puente for the past decade in a number of arenas, and have witnessed firsthand his dedication towards our specialty and field. He has selflessly represented psychology in the national healthcare arena for many years, and his ideas come from his real understanding of the worlds of healthcare, science and education. He is a strong leader who has the requisite skills to lead APA during these changing times.

    It’s been over 50 years since we have had a neuropsychologist elected to the position of president of the APA. Considering that we are the largest division of the association and that we have an excellent candidate (and past president of SCN), this is a great opportunity to have our community finally represented at APA’s top leadership position. Please consider voting for Dr. Puente as president of APA.

    Please visit the official APA video and information for the Presidential campaign at:

  • Division 42- Psychologists in Independent Practice
  • Division 45- Society for the Psychological Study of Culture, Ethnicity, and Race
  • Division 55- American Society for the Advancement of Pharmacotherapy
  • Federation of the Spanish Neuropsychological Societies (FANPSE)
  • Hispanic Neuropsychological Society (HNS)
  • Louisiana Psychological Association (LPA)
  • Massachusetts Neuropsychological Society (MNS)
  • National Academy of Neuropsychology (NAN)
  • [su_expand height=”20″]Dear NAN Member,

    We are writing to encourage you to vote for Tony Puente as the next president of the American Psychological Association when voting begins on September 15, and to contact two or three of your colleagues to encourage them to vote.  Many of you know Tony for his active leadership within NAN and his tireless work at the highest levels advocating for fair reimbursement for psychologists and neuropsychologists.  But his work for NAN and fair reimbursement are only a small part of what qualifies Tony to serve as the next president of the APA.  Not only has he served APA in a variety of roles, he has been active over many years as a practicing clinician, researcher, and educator.  Thus, he has a broad perspective of psychology’s place in healthcare and academia and is committed to realizing the theme of his campaign “An APA for All Members”.  It would be difficult to list all of Tony’s distinguished accomplishments here (there is a website dedicated to that, but it is worth noting that he is one of a very select group of individuals to have received APA’s Award for Distinguished Professional Contributions to Independent Practice.  Because of his leadership and vision for psychology, he has been endorsed by NAN, the Society for Clinical Neuropsychology (APA Division 40) and Psychologists in Independent Practice (Division 42), and many others.

    Thanks to your efforts and those of others,  Tony had a very strong showing in last years election but he was unable to receive enough votes to win the election.  Together, we can change that outcome this year.  Your vote and the votes of your colleagues count, so please take a moment to vote in the election and contact your colleagues to encourage them to do the same.

  • National Academies of Practice (NAP)
  • National Association of Psychometrists (NAP)
  • National Latina/o Psychological Association (NLPA)
  • Neuropsychology Professors at the Department of Psychology of Moscow State University, Russia
  • New York State Association for Neuropsychology (NYSAN)
  • North Carolina Neuropsychological Society (NCNS)
  • Northern California Neuropsychological Forum (NCNF)
  • Russian Psychological Society a
  • Sociedad Española para el Estudio de la Ansiedad y el Estrés (SEAS)
  • Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
  • Venezuelan Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Psychotherapies